Justin Lee – 2nd Prize 2017
Justin Lee (16) is a student of Mrs. Betty Haag-Kuhnke and a scholarship recipient from the ‘Gail Ellis Foundation’ (GE) and Magical Strings of Youth scholarship Fund (MSOYF) since 2010. He also received ‘Rising Star Award’ from MSOY in 2012. Justin performed solo at Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul and at Gewandhaus Concert Hall in Germany in 2014. Furthermore, he was soloed in various master classes with Vadim Gluzman, Philppe Quint, Ilya Kaler, Olga Kaler, Grigory Kalinovski, Stephanie Jeong, Carolina Chin, and Dan Rizner. He performed solo at Elgin Orchestra Music Festival with Philippe Quint in 2015. Justin was a Concert master at 2013 ILMEA and selected for ‘All State Honor Orchestra’ in 2016 and 2017. In addition, Justin has won in many competitions, including Best Interpretation Award (’13,’14) and Honorable mention (‘17) at the Sejong Music Competition, Honorable mention at Music Festival Honor of Confucius (‘13-’17), 2nd Pl. at AMI Competition (’15,’17), Walgreen Competition and Depaul Concerto Competition (’13). Also, he has performed as a concert leader at many concerts for MSOY including at the Carnegie Hall for Music Festival of the States in 2016. Currently, he participates in Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra and NSCMF with Vadim Gluzman since 2010. He will soon perform solo in Portugal in June, 2017.